We regret to inform you that we are no longer pursuing the mission field. UNFORTUNATE NEWS

Greetings. It is with sadness that we bring this news. A recent significant uptick in our monthly support schedule has caused us to take a realistic look at where we are at in the fundraising process. Although we have brought encouraging news recently about churches supporting us and others being interested, we have realized that in six years we have not even been able to raise even half of the needed support, and the amount of support we are required to raise keeps going up significantly every year (we will be sending a letter to our donors with a more detailed explanation).

After considering this thoughtfully and prayerfully, and after seeking godly counsel, we have had to make the unfortunate decision to cease the pursuit of missions to Japan. We will always have a burden for Japan and we look forward to seeing how the Lord will use us here. This does feel like a loss to our family in many ways, so please pray for us in this transition. Also, we greatly appreciate all those who have stood by us in financial support and prayer. We pray that the time spent pursuing missions will be sanctified by the Lord for His glory.

For those who have supported us via Pioneers, those funds will be used to help other Pioneers missionaries already in the field who may be lacking funds.

Thanks again for your prayers during this time.

In Christ,
Jeremy, Bonnie, Titus, Daphne, Saoirse, and Leonidas Malone